People from all walks of life, through a journey of prayer and discernment, find themselves at the doors of the Catholic Church. A curorisity about Catholicism, a tugging at their heart, or perhaps the desire to enter more deeply into relationship with Jesus may have lead you to this point. We couldn't be more happy to walk with you as you enter into His Church, in full communion with the universal Catholic Church.
The process of becoming Catholic, established, by the Church is called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, or RCIA. It's a process through which you will learn about the teachings of the Catholic Church and prepare to recieve the Sacraments of Initiation. Along this journey, you will have a Catholic sponsor who will help guide you.
There are generally two groups of people who wish to become Catholic:
Your first step is to contact the Parish Office (903-586-4538). We will schedule a time to meet with you and help you to start this beautiful journey.
Welcome home!